About HTH Village Parent Associations

About HTH Village Point Loma

HTH Village is the informal name given to the five High Tech High schools located in Liberty Station (Point Loma). Information about each school is at http://hightechhigh.org/.

Each school has strong parental support, organized by their own Parent Association (PA) group. The PA's join together for various fundraising or community opportunities.

A few examples:
  • Afterschool food fundraisers are held by classes, teams, and student organizations. HTHV hosts a calendar to avoid conflicts.
  • An annual spring fundraising evening complete with silent and live auction items is organized by a village-wide committee.
Each month the presidents and vice-presidents of the five HTH Village Parent Associations meet to coordinate and discuss activities. This group is called the Presidents Council. If you have questions for any Parent Associations or Presidents Council, please contact a member listed on their PA website.

The PA's welcome all parents to become active in their schools. If you have time to help out or participate in a planning committee, please contact the volunteer coordinator for your school.